Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on TypeShape

Total dependencies: 12

Shared Server Utilities for Fable.Remoting
F# Libary for managing configuration data from environment variables and application config in a type-safe way
MsgPack protocol and data format implementation for Fable.Remoting
Efficient event streaming pipelines
Package Description
Hedgehog with batteries included: Auto-generators, extra combinators, and more.
Composable high performance event sourcing componentry
Extensible F# Event Codec for System.Text.Json and Newtonsoft.Json with versioning tolerant converters
Funogram is a functional Telegram Bot Api library for F#
Advanced F# Support for LiteDB (v4.x) with query construction through quotation expressions
Official MongoDB.Bson package contains no preconfigured serializers supporting typical F# types. This package tries to close the gap
Extensible F# Event Codec for System.Text.Json and Newtonsoft.Json with versioning tolerant converters