Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Tx.Core

Total dependencies: 13

Tx Windows components, specific to Windows
Tx (LINQ to Logs and Traces) Windows TypeGeneration component
Tx (LINQ to Logs and Traces) container package for all supported raw trace/log sources
Tx Bond components, specific to the Bond event format
Tx Network
Add support of Thrift protocol for Tx Envelope model.
Add support of JSON protocol for Tx Envelope model.
Tx SqlServer
Add support of ProtoBuf protocol for Tx Envelope model.
This library adds Application Insights support for Tx framework. If you set up a continious integration feature in the Applocation Insights portal you will have a storage with exported data. Using Application Insights Tx adaptor you can run any LINQ queries against files from that storage. Curren...
With that library you can create a live session and run LINQ queries to filter data.
Tx Windows Log components, specific to Windows Logs