Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Thuria.Zitidar.Core

Total dependencies: 12

Base Akka.Net interfaces and implementations for the Thuria Framework A set of functions and features to assist with creating an Actor System using [Akka.Net](
A set of classes to implement the management of settings via Json, Environment Variables or Command Line options.
A set of additional functionality to add structuremap functionality to any application (Bootstrapper, IOC Container wrapper, etc)
This package contains a Serialization implementation that can be used with the Thuria framework. It uses the Newtonsoft.JSON framework to do JSON serialization
NLog Integration with the Thuria Framework. Adds NLog implementation for the IThuriaLogger interface
Various Caching functions and utilities
A set of additional functionality to add Lamar functionality to any application (Bootstrapper, IOC Container wrapper, etc)