Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on ThinkGeo MapSuite Fdo Feature Layer

Total dependencies: 3

Please upgrade to version 12 (Search ThinkGeo.Core on NuGet) if possible. Version 12 works with both .NET Framework and .NET Core, has much less dependencies and many other benifits over 10.0. PersonalGeoDatabase Layer is available in ThinkGeo.PersonalGeoDatabase in Version 12. ThinkGeo.MapSu...
Please upgrade to version 12 (Search ThinkGeo.Core on NuGet) if possible. Version 12 works with both .NET Framework and .NET Core, has much less dependencies and many other benifits over 10.0. SDF data can be launched through GdalLayer which is available in ThinkGeo.Gdal in Version 12. ThinkG...
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.Ogr is based on .NET Framework. It is a layer extension to the Map Suite product line, see below for compatibility. It provides ability to load and render OGR data format on map. The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) is a computer software library for reading and ...