Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Xml.XmlSerializer

Total dependencies: 422

XML (De)Serializer for Easy Web.
A .Net wrapper for the KashFlow SOAP and Rest APIs.
Easy helper for XmlSerializer
SDK foundation and web devlop frame
Cross-platform, open source .NET library to retrieve legal data available on the EUR-Lex web site
Basis-Klassen für ELSTER
Client für die OSTC-Schnittstelle V1
CodeComb HtmlAgilityPack
HtmlAgilityPack Class Library
MusicBrainz.DNX Class Library for DNX
Ubl-Tr v1.2.1 (UBL 2.1) .Net Classes
EArchive Report .Net Classes
Uniconta.NetStandardAPI for DotNet Standard platform.
Uniconta.NetStandardAPI for DotNet Standard platform.
.Net Core Utilities methods
Fork of Microsofts dotnet/perfomance code stripped down to be a netstandard2.0 library for benchmarking .NET performance
Blazor WebAssembly LocalStorage
Create and parse SCSN (UBL) documents in C# with UblSharp.
SOAP protocol middleware for ASP.NET Core