Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Xml.XPath.XDocument

Total dependencies: 87

Visual studio extensibility package
NSwag: The Swagger API toolchain for .NET and TypeScript
A flexible .NET microservice framework for agile teams.
PhotoBucket.Net Standard Library, check the GitHub repo. Send pull requests ;)
The excel provider for vNext
Provides routines to initialize and host the IIS Hosted Web Core.
An eco system for inline/scaling workflows and configurable messaging systems/datastores.
FileCurator.Windows is a set of formats that are only available using the full version of the .Net framework. If an alternative is built in .Net Standard these will be replaced. So consider this a hold over.
.NET CLI Tool to produce markdown documentation from xml documentation
Code Generator
This package allow create yours functions to extend the Tax Synapse core functionality
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