Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Text.RegularExpressions

Total dependencies: 436

A library with utilities which are used by various Dapplo libraries.
Advance Framework Practice by BDO Canada LLP IT Solution practice
Add WinForms support to Dapplo.HttpExtensions
Unofficial strong-named fork of Sprache:
A MovieStarPlanet-Client and Library to create own Tools.
System.Text.Json functionality for Dapplo.HttpExtensions
Basic redis backed implementations of the interfaces in RegenerativeDistributedCache.Interfaces for an external (network) cache, a fan out pub/sub message bus, and a distributed locking mechanism for use with RegenerativeDistributedCache.RegenerativeCacheManager.
A Xamarin wrapper binding for Azure Storage APIs - Blob, Queue, Table
SRP-6a protocol implementation for .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework 3.5+
Core Framework Library
JSON-LD processor for .NET Implements the W3C JSON-LD 1.0 standard.
MetroLog is a lightweight logging framework designed for portable code and WinJS. Although the API is based on NLog and log4net, the intention is that it's a very basic logging system. This version targets .NET Core, .NET 4.5, Windows 8.1 (Windows Store apps), Windows Phone 8, WinPhone 8.1, W...
Low-allocation version of DiffMatchPatch
A simple but flexible parameter validation library.
High performance Redis client, incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous usage.
Allows one to execute AppVeyor build pipeline programatically, for a given local repository and configuration.
Add WPF support to Dapplo.HttpExtensions
Rudder is a platform for collecting, storing and routing customer event data to dozens of tools. Rudder is open-source, can run in your cloud environment (AWS, GCP, Azure or even your data-centre) and provides a powerful transformation framework to process your event data on the fly.