Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Text.Encoding

Total dependencies: 375

Extension methods and utility classes for primitive types and some commonly used types in the system core library.
An ArangoDB storage provider for Microsoft Orleans
OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets Xamarin.Mac apps using the Unified API.
Basic Api Requirements with Owin
Redis provider for Beatles.Caching
Created Nuget package
Created Nuget package
Code to allow you to register your stateless/stateful service with a Watchdog so it can callback your service and check it's health.
Block chain Indexer for Bitcoin Cash using Microsoft Azure as backend
ASP.NET MVC 5 shipped with a new Identity system (in the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core package) in order to support both local login and remote logins via OpenID/OAuth, but only ships with an Entity Framework provider (Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework). MyMojo.AspNet.Identity.MongoDb is a ...
GlobeLabs API for .NET
A fast, lean and opinionated web framework based on the Microsoft ASP.NET Core.
An extremely easy to use Micro-ORM supporting Sql Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sqlite, SqlCE. Originally Schotime's PetaPoco branch.
SDK to access the Vendasta listing service.
FlatBuffers is an efficient cross platform serialization library. It was originally created at Google for game development and other performance-critical applications.
Code Generator
The core engine for Scripty, a tool to let you use Roslyn-powered C# scripts for code generation.