Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ServiceModel.Http

Total dependencies: 330

The WCF Client connector for the UiComm Client.
.NET client for the VIES - European Commission - VAT validation service
TESSA core library for extensions, applications and services.
FastSync - fast and easy communication with ERP systems.
Abbotware Interop Library for System.ServiceModel - Contains helper methods, extension methods, and plugins
Prism client for CygiaUserService
Supported Platforms: • NET 8.0 • NET 6.0 • NETFramework Image Components for WPF is an imaging SDK that allows the view, edit, capture, creation and data manipulation. Some of the Image Components functions are: opening file or directory and saving most common images file types (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.tif...
Supported Platforms: • NET 8.0 • NET 6.0 • NETFramework Image Components for Windows Forms is an imaging SDK that allows the view, edit, capture, creation and data manipulation. Some of the Image Components functions are: opening file or directory and saving most common images file types (*.jpg;*....
Extensions methods for OnBase Unity SDK.
Library providing access to reporting services web services to render reports.
Autotask NetCore Client built for .Net Core 2.1 and up
The runtime assemblies for libraries and applications that use DXP API.
.NET Core version client for CygiaUserService
BroadWorks OCI-P client for .NET
Biblioteca para emissão e trasmissão de NFSe. **Provedores Implementados** - Ginfes. - DSF. - WebISS. - WebIss2. - São Paulo. - Coplan. - Nota Carioca. - Belo Horizonte. - Equiplano. - SmarAPD ABRASAF. - Fiorilli. - Goiân...
PKI tools useful for eHealth
AsNet.Shared es una librería que contiene funcionalidad de código comun como, Entidades de Resultado de capa de datos, negocio, DI services y helpers, Extensiones de Lenguaje .Net, Image Tools, Criptografía, entre otras utilidades de código.
Package Description
SAML2.0 library based on the SAML2 package, with better compatibility for ADFS and other saml providers
Helpers classes for business application backends.