Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ServiceModel.Duplex

Total dependencies: 203

Camada de integração com a TOTVS.
The WCF Client connector for the UiComm Client.
.NET client for the VIES - European Commission - VAT validation service
FastSync - fast and easy communication with ERP systems.
Abbotware Interop Library for System.ServiceModel - Contains helper methods, extension methods, and plugins
Prism client for CygiaUserService
.NET Core version client for CygiaUserService
The runtime assemblies for libraries and applications that use DXP API.
Autotask NetCore Client built for .Net Core 2.1 and up
BroadWorks OCI-P client for .NET
AsNet.Shared es una librería que contiene funcionalidad de código comun como, Entidades de Resultado de capa de datos, negocio, DI services y helpers, Extensiones de Lenguaje .Net, Image Tools, Criptografía, entre otras utilidades de código.
Package Description
NemId implementation done in .NET Standard with async/await Tasks.
A package for querying the NOAA weather feeds with simplicity. You can query by zip code, or by station name. The component will parse the xml, and return a POCO. A componenet ported from OpenWeather - Made for .NET core. Functionallity: - Current Observations - Forecasts (depends on the stations....
Utility to generate fault tolerant and highly configurable client proxies for WCF services based on WCF ServiceContracts. Supports making async calls using non async-ready ServiceContracts.
NetSuite API wrapper
Very simple service that checks a VAT number returning whether or not the number is valid, the official company name and address when available using the EU web service
Proxy Classes for workign with NetSuite SuiteTalk 2018.2. Use with Celigo.ServiceManager.NetSuite nuget package.
AutoTask API
Agility.Web Assembly for ASP.Net Core