Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Security.Principal.Windows

Total dependencies: 322

The most portable alternative to Microsoft.Build for evaluating, manipulating, and other progressive data processing in a compatible XML-like syntax.
The ExpertPdf Pdf to Image Converter can be used in any type of .NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET 5, .NET 6 application to export PDF document pages to images. The integration with existing .NET applications is extremely easy and no installation is necessary in order to run the converter. The downloa...
Gaia IoC Unity Container Support for Workflow Foundation
Windows Bitometric Framework .NET wrapper
Tessa additional dependencies for applications and services running on Windows.
Provides .NET 2.0 and .NET Standard 2.0 classes for the System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader namespace related to reading events from the Windows Event Log. These classes were introduced into the standard library in .NET 3.5.
Library for easily creating Telegram Bots using ASP.NET Web API
Common web features.
NanoPack is a .NET Core tool to pack ASP.NET Core applications into NanoServer VHDs
.NET and Mono framework with support for Postgres and Oracle
A slimmed down, cloud optimized version of System.Data.SqlClient that focuses on performance and size over backwards compatibility.
ASP.NET 5 server implementation for IIS and IIS Express.
ASP.NET 5 logic to protect and unprotect data, similar to DPAPI.
Implements TestableFileSystem.Interfaces using a blazingly fast in-memory NTFS-based file system.
This is a Fluent API library for the most common EFCore functions using Repository pattern.