Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates

Total dependencies: 372

A .NET friendly library for Discord Api.
Visual studio extensibility package
+ CacheProvider (Redis Cache, Memory Cache) + Cryptography + ConvertType + File Manager + Vietnamese currency reader + Excel Reader, Excel Export + Csv Reader + Xml Export + Email Services + Sql Data Helper + more...
InteleSMSMessagingKit for misc services at Intele AS
General Helpers for iOS projects
This is the Elision SEO feature package to reference if you are building a module or other code that just needs to reference Elision SEO feature. If you need to install Elision's SEO feature, use the Elision.Feature.Library.Seo package instead.
This is the Elision SEO feature package to reference if you need to install the entire feature. If you are building a module or other code that just needs to reference Elision SEO feature, use the Elision.Feature.Library.Seo-redist package instead.
Extends the WebApi integration with SignalR support.
Access token validation middleware for JWT and reference tokens issued by IdentityServer3, based on JWT 5, Owin 4 and IdentityModel 3. Does not support BackchannelHttpHandler/BackchannelCertificateValidator/IntrospectionHttpHandler
This package contains an implementation of IDDHubAdaptor interface
Repository based MVC Framework For Developers
Part of the CarCake Framework
Allow users to easily create Google API Service authenticated objects with JSON or P12 files.
Create advanced Excel spreadsheets using .Net, Forked from
Base framework for Virteom Android apps
Base Bluetooth capabilities for iOS apps
10Duke Entitlement service client library for .NET desktop applications
Helper classes that are used by to work with various PKCS standards like certificate signing requests.
Android platform specific code