Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives

Total dependencies: 590
The AmbrosiaLibCS Binary Distribution - Debug version
Ding.SafeOrBit是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的一个安全工具集,包括不同的高性能算法和易于使用的类,用于高级内存保护。
YandexTranslateCSharpSdk .NET Core version
This library defines a reusable standard for custom type serializers.
Package Description
A NSwag Client Library for Mobiroller legeacy API.
Ding是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的NetCore核心类库。
A .NET object model for the Swagger spec.
An async C# wrapper for the Discord.Bio API
Part of the XerviceKit framework for developing microservices. See for more information.
Part of the XerviceKit framework for developing microservices. See for more information.
Part of the XerviceKit framework for developing microservices. See for more information.
Package Description
Part of the XerviceKit framework for developing microservices. See for more information.
Airbrake C#/.NET client (notifier)
This is a temporary .NET Core port of FluentMigrator for Serenity applications. It will only be used until an official version is out.