Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters

Total dependencies: 288

“Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET” ** This is a repackage of the third party Newtonsoft.Json project for use with ThinkGeo's Map Suite product line. ** ** You should not need to reference this package directly, it will be a dependency of other Map Suite packages. ** ...
Ark.NET is the ARK Ecosystem library for the .NET platform. It implements all most relevant ARK functionalities to help you develop efficient .NET applications built upon ARK platform. It provides low level access to ARK Network so you can easily build your block-chain application on top of it.
C# implementation of the multi-key map - a Dictionary with added querying by any combination of sub-keys.
.NET API for the TeamSpeak 3 Query API
C# Client library for ESHA Research Genesis API
Indexed collection like usual List<T>, but with less allocations. Enables reusing instances of inner array via ArrayPool<T>.Shared. Provides ToRist() extension method which perfectly replaces conventional ToList() for materializing LINQ queries. MoveToArray() method releases ownership of internal bu...
A c# library containing extension methods and reusable base classes for a light cqrs implementation.
A user mode file system for windows. This is a .NET wrapper over Dokan, and allows you to create your own file systems in Windows.
A .NET library to deserialize (read) and serialize (write) OMG ReqIF documents.
Apache log4net with support for .NET Standard/Core (trunk snapshot 20161015)
Binary serializer
Common library for NFinal MVC.
MySql.Data.MySqlClient .Net Core Class Library
Package Description
Arcus is a C# manipulation library for calculating, parsing, formatting, converting, and comparing both IPv4 and Pv6 addresses and subnets. It accounts for 128-bit numbers on 32-bit platforms.
Package Description
a fixed size high performant in memory cache
A collection of GPS track readers suporting GPX, TCX and KML. Source can either be a string, file or directory.