Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.Extensions

Total dependencies: 864

PDFKit.NET is a 100% managed .NET component for, reading, creating and manipulating PDF documents and PDF forms on the fly. With PDFKit.NET you can split, append, stamp, encrypt PDF documents and fill PDF forms.
This Composable Commerce .NET Core SDK is deprecated effective 1st September 2022. We recommend you to use our new SDK here
GeoAPI.NET project provides a common framework based on OGC/ISO standards to improve interoperability among .NET GIS projects.
Assent is a simple assertion library for long strings. By default it uses common diff tools to report on and resolve test failures.
A minimal metrics collection API for InfluxDB
Provides an IANA time zone identifier from latitude and longitude coordinates.
Testing layer for Microsoft's HttpClient library
Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. Provides class that enable you to create high performance tracing events to be captured by event tracing for Windows (ETW). Commonly Used Types: System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource System.Diagno...
Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. Provides base input and output (I/O) types, including System.IO.Stream, System.IO.StreamReader and System.IO.StreamWriter, that allow reading and writing to data streams Commonly Used Types: System...
Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. Provides custom attribute extension methods for System.Reflection types. Commonly Used Types: System.Reflection.InterfaceMapping System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions System.Reflection.Runtim...
Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. Provides classes that define generic collections, which allow developers to create strongly typed collections that provide better type safety and performance than non-generic strongly typed collecti...
Enable JSON logging in log4net.
Open source C# implementation of Markdown processor, as featured on Stack Overflow. This port is based heavily on the original Perl 1.0.1 and Perl 1.0.2b8 implementations of Markdown, with bits and pieces of the apparently much better maintained PHP Markdown folded into it. There are a few Stack Ove...
LDAP client library for .NET Standard 2.0: .NET Core, .NET Framework 4.6, Universal Windows Platform, Xamarin (iOS, Android, UWP). Works with any LDAP server (including Microsoft Active Directory - AD)
This package contains classes, interfaces, controls and utility for support media like video, pdf and images in the app. It depends on Fluker
This package contains support to custom integrations of the system Map platform. It depends on Fluker.Base
This package contains common classes and interfaces that are used in other Fluker controls.
This package contains classes, interfaces, controls and utility for integrate a shop system like cart and payments with credit card in the app. It depends on Fluker.
This package contains classes, interfaces, controls and utility for support Users (Login, Registrarion) through email in the app. It depends on Fluker
Contains dlls WorkflowEngine.NET Nexmo Plugin