Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Runtime.Caching

Total dependencies: 306

![Package is still in development. It works, but is far away from being very stable]! H2o (HtmlToObject) is a parser which parses HTML into objects using XPath, Css or Regex selectors. Selectors can easily be assigned to classes using attributes.
C# API Wrapper for the Minecraft server (
HAVIT .NET Framework Extensions - Services
A wrapper for System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache with some helpful methods for easy caching.
Library for Eltra .Net
Coreforce is an open source .NET Core repository library for Salesforce REST API.
Authorization integration for SFA.DAS
This package implements the caching provider via the .NET framework (Memory Cache, etc).
Since secrets and certificates stored in Azure Key Vault change very rarely, it is useful to cache them, as fetching is a relatively slow operation - if the Key Vault is in the same data center, it takes 100...300ms, but fetching the value from geographically distant Azure data center can take a sec...
It provides the base methods and properties for accessing the object cache using Runtime caching capabilities
A helpful set of C# extensions used to map database results to object models.
This package provides cache aspect for your methods. Put [MemoryCache(seconds)] attribure on your methods. And enjoy hassle-free memory cache for your methods. Or implement your own cache mechanics by inheriting CacheAttribute class. Powered by AspectInjector.
The SDK simplifying the consumption of Sportradar's Unified Odds feed. (.NET Standard 2.1)
This package allow to invalidate local memory cache items with the help of StackExchange.Redis
This package allow to invalidate local memory cache items with the help of StackExchange.Redis
Commonly used classes and utils in every Logipharma sub-applications.
Infrastructure Service layer classes for BIA.Net Core Framework
C# SDK for TikTok Marketing API
Chinchilla.StateManagement is a .NET Core port of cdmdotnet.StateManagement, a C# state management framework that provides a consistent abstraction for accessing data from various collections such as thread bound contexts, HTTP Request and Response collections as well as HTTP Cookies.