Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection

Total dependencies: 859

Simple microservices toolkit for .Net/.Net Core. Heavily influenced by the senecajs Node toolkit.
HAL Models for producing HAL Json
CoPilot is an object relational mapper (ORM). In its core it works like a micro ORM, but it has some neat and powerful features added on top of it, which makes it more of a "middle ground" ORM. CoPilot is built with performance and flexibillity in mind, and was specifically designed to avoid any lea...
LooUQ iotQi framework device client for Windows 10 IoT Core - (UWP DLL, Universal Windows Platform)
Jabberwocky package for circuit-breaker and error handling of renderings
Cross platform dotnetCore port of Google.OrTools (Operations Research Tools project) .NET Assembly Fullly compatible with original Google.OrTools package * Uses original orTools binaries for each platform. Supported platforms: win-x64 ubuntu.16.04-x64 osx.10.12-x64
Provides client part of Realmius sync engine.
Provides contracts between server and client parts of Realmius sync engine.
LightInject IOC packge for the Caliburn.Micro MVVM framework
API action modules for Project Kaleidoscope.
Primitive library that supports other Project Kaleidoscope services.
GraphQL Conventions for .NET
JsonConfig.Net is ported from JsonConfig by Timo Dörr. This JsonConfig works for both .Net and .Net Core Frameworks. JsonConfig.Net is a simple to use configuration library, allowing JSON based config files for your C#/.NET application instead of cumbersome web.config/application.config xml files. I...
Simple and lightweight networking (including RPC) for Universal Windows Platform apps
AutoMapper IMapper, IProjector implementations for CostEffectiveCode
HubAnalytics.Core Class Library
Base classes that allow a hierarchical finite automata state-chart to be translated easily and directly into C# code. Due to its tiny size and extraordinary performance, it is suitable for embedded or real-time systems.