Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection

Total dependencies: 859

MedallionOData is a lightweight, zero-setup .NET library for creating and querying OData and OData-like services.
Kraken is a set of open source libraries for SharePoint development. The package includes code for writing provider hosted apps, including CSOM utilities.
Dynamically generated forms and dialogs in WPF
Extensions for Neudesic.Elements.Data for Microsoft's Azure platform.
This is a schema for a OpenTl project
Contains basic UI functionalities.
NFinal2 MVC framework
Notakey Xamarin Sdk for Xamarin iOS and Android mobile application development
Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET, this version was extended to cover more platforms
Bot Framework Direct Line client made just for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android.
Package Description
Azure Storage Extensions is a .NET library aimed for managing and querying entities from Microsoft Azure Storage. It's built on top of Azure Storage Client Library, provides LINQ to Azure Tables queries and async interfaces.
客户端组件 请在最终运行项目配置api服务器参数,文件以 ""为结尾,并设置输出到目录 以下为参考配置: [ { //API域,如果以/my/开头时,这里就可以写为my "scope": "my", //主机地址,可以为IP或域名 "host": "localhost", //端口 "port": 10086, //授权码,不同的授权码对应的接口权限不同 "authCode": "203AFBA5816078A7B...
CosmosDB Profiler is a real-time visual debugger allowing a development team to gain valuable insight and perspective into their usage of CosmosDB. The product is architected with input coming from many top industry leaders within the Cosmos DB community. Alerts are presented in a concise code-revie...
CosmosDB Profiler is a real-time visual debugger allowing a development team to gain valuable insight and perspective into their usage of CosmosDB. The product is architected with input coming from many top industry leaders within the Cosmos DB community. Alerts are presented in a concise code-revie...
Create VertiGIS Mobile apps for Android, iOS, and UWP. Extend your apps with custom components, operations and services.
Package Description
Xamarin.iOS Port of the Nohana Image Picker for iOS
Enhancements and utility classes for primitive types and some commonly used types in the mscorlib and System.Core libraries. Extension methods are available for string, DateTime, enum, StringBuilder, SecureString, RegEx, event handlers, random, array, Enumberable, IList, collections, stream and vari...