Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.Metadata

Total dependencies: 208

The 'dependencies' section lists the set of .NET Core packages that PowerShell Core depends on in Windows Server 2016 GA release of NanoServer. This package also includes the PowerShell Core runtime assemblies built for the GA release of NanoServer.
SafeOrbit 🛡️ is a security toolset including different high performance algorithms and easy to use classes for advanced memory protection. ► Protects your strings in memory while allowing you to securely compare & modify them. ► Protects your binary data with SafeBytes. ► Anti inj...
SQL DSL / Micro ORM - PostgreSQL Driver
Infragistics.Web.Mvc Class Library
Controladores y handlers de framework3
test medullus dbentity
Módulo de contabilidad
This project implements a binary compatibility checker for .NET assemblies. The goal of this project is to automate the process of identifying binary- and source-breaking changes between releases of a .NET library. Libraries with string compatibility policies will eventually be able to incorporate t...
Library with all required functionality for EmailWorker.Web project
Easy and fast matrix operations