Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.Extensions
Total dependencies: 483
Cross platform dotnetCore port of Google.OrTools (Operations Research Tools project) .NET Assembly
Fullly compatible with original Google.OrTools package
* Uses original orTools binaries for each platform.
Supported platforms:
API action modules for Project Kaleidoscope.
Primitive library that supports other Project Kaleidoscope services.
LightInject IOC packge for the Caliburn.Micro MVVM framework
GraphQL Conventions for .NET
Contains common classes used in mvvm applications.
RevStackCore .net core OrientDb repository pattern.
Google API Core Library ported to DNX Core 5.0
Basis-Klassen für ELSTER
General-purpose .NET framework powered with CQRS, DDD and EventSourcing patterns
AutoMapper IMapper, IProjector implementations for CostEffectiveCode
Provides easy construction of database connection, attribute-based table mapping, and creation of primitive SQL.
Provides very simple CRUD operation using Dapper.
An easy-to-use timeseries database client that allows storing of masses of simple of data structures identified by a string id and a timestamp.