Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight

Total dependencies: 750

AutoCSer.Json is a high-performance JSON framework. AutoCSer.Json 是一个高性能的 JSON 序列化组件。
AutoCSer.Serialize is a high-performance serialize framework that includes binary, JSON, and XML. AutoCSer.Serialize 是一个高性能的序列化组件,包括二进制 / JSON / XML 数据序列化。
JsonFx dotcore for Bitcoin Rhodium
.NET Standard library for building immutable models
Fast, concurrently safe NetStandard 2.0 Reflection.Emit based dynamic invocation for parametric and paremeterless constructors, methods, properties and fields with caching support for already created delegates. Concurrent performance could be still improved, but concurrent safety was achieved! Thi...
Bind classes to interfaces, enabling more polymorphic inheritence and extensability of code you don't own, or making using legacy code slightly more enjoyable.
Unity AssetBundle manipulation library for C#/.NET.
XmlSerializer originally developed for Catalogue project
Simple and Fast Reflection
Sql Ormlite
The fastest and best ORM lite on .NET Core for MySQL/SqlServer ! -- 友好, 轻量, 极致性能, 无任何第三方依赖, 持续演进~~
Package Description
The core library for the singularity ioc container
.net standard 2.0 版本 Fasterflect