Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reactive.Linq

Total dependencies: 217

T1 Common Library is a collection of application blocks designed to assist developers with common enterprise development challenges.
An extension for caching results of queries into the Redis cache. This library implements asynchronous and synchronous execution. It supports distributed lock to be able to use cache between n-numbers of servers which runs the application and doesn’t allow any race condition for cache update. You ca...
A delimited file parser with support for mapping CSV data to generic types.
OperatorSharp provides a framework for building Kubernetes controllers to manage custom resources and their definitions
Core classes used by generated libraries
TinyServer.ReactiveSocket 是独立的反应式的轻量级通信组件
The definitive rapid application development framework for building Android and Apple mobile applications using Xamarin.
Abstract Language Integrated Query for .Net
Provides a Roslyn-based code editor using AvaloniaEdit (Avalonia platform) with completion, diagnostics, and quick actions
Extension of original redux.NET nuget package. Compatible with .NET standard
Provides a ChangeTrackingDbContext that will automatically updates Created and Modified fields as well as some basic DbContext extension methods from
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging posting to ElasticSearch
Intercepts requests to allow for APIs to expose single-request semantics but using batching in the underlying implementation (e.g. web requests)
Library for data binding to IObservables in xaml
Provides reactive extensions for active lists and active values.