Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reactive.Core

Total dependencies: 108

Vm.Tools for neutronium.
T1 Common Library is a collection of application blocks designed to assist developers with common enterprise development challenges.
A tool for wrapping actions into a context that may contain state parameters, enhancing logging and exception handling.
A delimited file parser with support for mapping CSV data to generic types.
Intercepts requests to allow for APIs to expose single-request semantics but using batching in the underlying implementation (e.g. web requests)
Legacy to messaging gateway for MassTransit, base package
Library for data binding to IObservables in xaml
CodeJamExtensibility helps you create extensible applications.
Provides reactive extensions for active lists and active values.
MinimalMVVM is an MVVM framework that implements only the necessary minimum functions.
Notakey .NET client SDK for requesting and verifying authentication requests
Messaging Framework.