Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ObjectModel

Total dependencies: 228

A cross-platform library for processing of image files written in C#
Public fork of the C# SVG rendering library on codeplex: This started out as a minor modification to enable the writing of proper SVG strings. But now after almost two years we have so many fixes and improvements that we decided to share our current codebase to the pu...
A component to synchronize data between Microsoft SQL Server and Excel files in OpenXML format (xlsx).
Add WPF support to Dapplo.HttpExtensions
A KV SQL Server implementation of the Orleans Storage Provider model
A Redis implementation of the Orleans Storage Provider model
Common libraries
Notakey Xamarin Sdk for Xamarin iOS and Android mobile application development
Bot Framework Direct Line client made just for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android.
Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET, this version was extended to cover more platforms
Contains basic UI functionalities.
Kraken is a set of open source libraries for SharePoint development. The package includes code for writing provider hosted apps, including CSOM utilities.
A library for Clinical6 UI Controls Renders (a product of Parallel6)
A library for Clinical6 UI Controls Renders (a product of Parallel6)
Well Structured Models for C#
A cross platform wrapper for NetworkManager on iOS and Android
A cross platform wrapper for SpeechToText on iOS and Android<
A cross platform wrapper for MediaCapture on iOS and Android
A Xamarin wrapper for TextToSpeech on iOS and Android