Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Numerics.Vectors

Total dependencies: 618

Lottie For SkiaSharp
Connector library for EasyTranslate translation service
SpydazWeb Code translator From C# to VB and vice versa
Parsers for map source files used by level editors. Currently supports MAP files in the idtech2 and valve formats, Worldcraft RMF v2.2, and partial support for Source Hammer VMF and Jackhammer/JACK JMF formats.
This is the base package for Sledge.Formats. It contains parsers for Quake MipTexture, Valve Liblist, and Valve VDF formats. It also contains data structures used in other Sledge.Formats packages, such as geometry classes.
.Net library to read .Net Assembly and Windows WinMD metadata files, based on System.Reflection.Metadata
WPF DataGrid
Package Description
Facturen en leveringen multipharma
C# Battle Card Game Framework
Facturen en leveringen externe leveranciers
Geometry and mathematical classes for computer graphics
Collection of useful C#, WPF, and WinForms functions.
This library contains most of the base classes like SeeingSharpApplication, classes for different patterns and so on.. Supported targets: - Classic Desktop (.Net 4.6) - Windows 10 Universal Apps
This library contains all multimedia functionality of seeing# like Direct3D 11 rendering, video rendering, sound playing and so on... Supported targets: - Classic Desktop (.Net 4.6) - Windows 10 Universal Apps
A UWP Rating Control drawn by the Composition API.
This library contains all multimedia functionality of seeing# like Direct3D 11 rendering, video rendering, sound playing and so on... Supported targets: - Classic Desktop (.Net 4.6) - Windows 10 Universal Apps This version of the library is for development...
A UWP SplashScreen animation by the Composition API.