Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Memory

Total dependencies: 1244

ServiceStack Razor Documentation: Compile Razor Views into a compiled .dll you can use in ServiceStack hosts to eliminate Razor View compilation at runtime for instant start-up times.
Service Bus Host for Mass Transit services using RabbitMQ
Glader.Essentials provide basic essential .NET/C# development libraries for day-to-day development needs. The GUID library contains a WoW-like encoded GUID API and Type.
Serializers for common types and serialization attribute
.NET USB library, which acts as a wrapper for libusb-1.0. You can write applications that with on all operating systems and drivers without modification. Lots of example code. Open source software hosted on GitHub.
A library for transforming text expressions containing mathematical operations into executable delegates.
A library containing several extensions that aim to standardize and extend the .NET Framework functionality.
Provides support for the Xbim commonly used behaviours and interfaces.
High-performance JWT library. Provides Json Web Token primitives.
JPEG decoder, encoder and optimizer implemented in C#.
Unofficial windows named pipe transport for gRPC
ActiveReports is a set of assemblies that enable you to create, render, print, and export reports in a .NET or .NET Core application. This package includes assemblies needed to display reports in report viewers. Multiple viewers are included for your convenience. Among them are viewers for Windows F...
ActiveReports is a set of assemblies that enable you to create, render, print, and export reports in a .NET or .NET Core application. This package includes the core engine assemblies required to create and render pixel perfect, WYSIWYG, reports.
Giving Windows C# developers easy access to the ONNX AI Model Format for easy model conversions.
Pinchot is the API for interfacing with JoeScan JS-50 model scan heads. Please see for documentation and support tools.
Reindexer Embedded library to embed and run in .net projects.
.NET Core bindings to nng (
Roslyn CodeAnalysis slightly modified to be used by Peachpie. More details at This package was built from the source at
This package includes .NET Standard code only helpers such as: - IncrementalLoadingCollection: Simplifies the definition and usage of collections whose items can be loaded incrementally only when needed by the view. - String extensions and array extensions: These extensions make working ...
Jolia core libraries, features, extensions, models and more.