Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Linq.Queryable

Total dependencies: 433

A MongoDB powered event store for MementoFX
Implementation of the MS System.Linq.Dynamic library in .Net Core
ReCloud Core Class Library
Infrastructure project setup for building modern enterprise applications using EntityFramework or Azure Table Storage.
Wilcommerce Catalog components
Utility .Net library for declarative collection handling. It provides a set of query methods, resembling the ones in LINQ, which operate on read-only observable lists and collections, instead of IEnumerable.
Note: based on repository
[.NET Core version] : Translates computed properties in LINQ queries into their implementation (based on Microsoft.Linq.Translations).
Interactive Extensions Providers Library used to build query providers and express queries over enumerable sequences.
Helpers, extensions, utilities, better practices, patterns to be used within (or beyond) Vertica.
This projects implements an abstraction for Azure Storage Tables to use POCOs because deriving every entity from ITableEntity or TableEntity looks like a step backwards. The current implementation is intended to be an abstraction to store every existing entity into Azure Table Store.
A C# Server side component for the popuplar jQuery datatables plugin suitable for core and other netstandard frameworks
Pagination models
A c# library containing extension methods and reusable base classes for a light cqrs implementation.
ArmChair is a .NET Client for CouchDB
Cheers data finder and repository implementation with EntityFrameworkCore
PaginationTagHelper give you a easy way to handle your pagination
WMI providers that handle performance metrics for various WMI classes.