Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Linq.Parallel

Total dependencies: 52

Ultimate.Utilities provides the utility functions for strings, collections, objects. It has StringUtils, CollectionUtils, ObjectUtils and CommonUtils. These classes provide you with a large number of helper functions that can help you code much better. And the best thing is it is available for .Net ...
A shared package used by the .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn + Conan") including support for analyzing projects and solutions. Do not install this package manually, it will be added as a prerequisite by other packages that require it. More details at
Implements common classes for our modular applications.
Firebird ADO.NET data provider
Usefull extension methods for collections/string/dictionary manipulation
Extension methods to simplify working with SQL: running commands and queries, and reading data sets
C# extension library for XML manipulation and data management.
CoPilot is an object relational mapper (ORM). In its core it works like a micro ORM, but it has some neat and powerful features added on top of it, which makes it more of a "middle ground" ORM. CoPilot is built with performance and flexibillity in mind, and was specifically designed to avoid any lea...
A collection of extension methods to make things a bit easier, including Task, Enum, String, and Uri extensions.
Package Description
Provides IP (IPv4 *and* IPv6) mappings to countries. This project provides the IP2CountryResolver and entities and other baseclasses and interfaces. It can be used with many (custom or provided) datasources like the databases from DB-IP, IP2IQ, IPToASN, Ludost, Markus-Go, Maxmind, WebNet77 and the o...
My commonly used utilities library.
The runner of Carna testing and specification framework for .NET Platform.
Common functionality
A .NET Standard 2.0 library for parsing and creating IPTV-driven playlists and guides.
.NET Snippets Library