Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt

Total dependencies: 1245

Supporting server infrastructure for the learn more artifacts
CommonWell-Token is a .NET security token library for the CommonWell Health Alliance service.
JsonWebToken AuthorizeAttribute for ASP.NET MVC
Package Description
MetroOAuth JWT Server with implemenation of audience store, appstore, metroapplication user
Jwt.Token.Authorization.Server is an extensions to provide JWT Token Authorizatin Server.
This is an unofficial .NET Core 2.0/.NET Framework 4.5 ported version of Microsoft.Bot.Connector package. This library implements C# classes for using the Bot Framework Connector REST API
Twilio 5.X Wrapper .NET Library For thinQ LCR integration
Ring 2 library based on VaraniumSharp. This library makes use of and extends VaraniumSharp to be a base for other (Ring 3) projects.
Cireson Web UI
Azure Key Vault implementation of ITokenSigningService for IdentityServer4
Wrapper for Kleu.Utility.Web for utilizing OWIN SelfHost in the console
A .NET Framework library used to validate user identity tokens for use with SKY Add-ins.
FlowWright .Net API package
Message routing component for chatbots built with Microsoft Bot Framework C# SDK
Provides identity extension methods on top of Qwiq.Client.Soap