Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt

Total dependencies: 1245

dotnet core fast http api server manager
Middleware that enables an application to use OpenIdConnect for authentication. Supports Authorization Code, Implicit and Hybrid flows.
This library contains some of utility tools that is to help for boost up the generic host with gRPC protocol.
Provides a default starting point for setting up a new WebApi service which includes Its.Configuration and Its.Log with a set of classes that preconfigure numerous defaults.
An Umbraco plugin to add an OAuth API endpoint to allow authenticated Members/Users via OAuth
Client helper for OAuth2 2-legged flows with client secret and JWT client assertion support and token caching
Aspose.HTML Cloud for .NET is a programming SDK that allows software developers to manipulate and convert HTML documents from within their own applications. A Wrapper of RESTful APIs, Aspose.HTML Cloud for .NET speeds up HTML programming and conversion.
Package Description
Package Description
Xigadee Api Server library is used to construct API gateways to the Microservice.
Helper extensions to configure Swashbuckle Swagger and Swagger UI to use OAuth implicit grant with Azure AD b2c
ReCloud Core Class Library
Microsoft.Owin 3.1 Authentication Middleware for JBoss Keycloak 3.2
Bearer Token and logging to fast start any ASP.NET Core project
Azure authentication using Azure Graph Unified 2.0 endpoints support for ServiceStack. Supports multi-tenant authorization through Azure. This package includes the ServiceStack plugin and supporting services.
Stormpath OWIN middleware library
Support library that provides JWT authentication for Box Windows SDK V2. Requires Box Windows SDK V2 2.3.0 or higher.
A .NET Core Extension for Entity Framework Core to enable Realtime Capability.
Package Description
Package Description