Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.IO

Total dependencies: 545

An email pickup sink for Serilog equivalent to log4net's SmtpPickupDirAppender
Package Description
Android platform specific code
An extension for Orleans which intercepts all telemetry calls, calculates and tracks the metrics on each silo, and aggregates all of the silo metrics into a ClusterMetricsGrain. The metrics stored in this grain can be accessed from any grain or Orleans client by subscribing to individual silo or agg...
An extension for Orleans which intercepts all telemetry calls, calculates and tracks the metrics on each silo, and aggregates all of the silo metrics into a ClusterMetricsGrain. The metrics stored in this grain can be accessed from any grain or Orleans client.
RIDGID Services REST API Client
A fast, lean and opinionated web framework based on the Microsoft ASP.NET Core.
Serilog sink that writes to a rolling file based on a date formatted path and filename.
An ArangoDB storage provider for Microsoft Orleans
Framework to build datadriven bots using the Bot Framework
Extension methods and utility classes that supplements the original functionality of commonly used .NET objects.
Extension methods and utility classes for primitive types and some commonly used types in the system core library.
GlobeLabs API for .NET
.NET Mercurial Client Library
ASP.NET MVC 5 shipped with a new Identity system (in the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core package) in order to support both local login and remote logins via OpenID/OAuth, but only ships with an Entity Framework provider (Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework). MyMojo.AspNet.Identity.MongoDb is a ...