Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo

Total dependencies: 19

An abstract/virtual filesystem framework with many built-ins filesystems for .NET
Steeltoe management endpoints
Peachpie PHP language library functions.
Implementation of the ISO, UDF, FAT and NTFS file systems is now fairly stable. VHD, XVA, VMDK and VDI disk formats are implemented, as well as read/write Registry support. The library also includes a simple iSCSI initiator, for accessing disks via iSCSI and an NFS client implementation.
MediaInfo(Lib) is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. MediaInfo .NET wrapper with support network AV streams.
Library to read and write to raw disks in Windows
Publishes NPM or NuGet packages automatically.
Abstractions for System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo Provides: IDriveInfo IDriveInfoFactory
Implementations for IO Abstractions of Leoxia.Lx.IO.Abstractions
Provides interface abstractions for System.IO filesystem entities. Also provides a default implementation of IFileSystem that provides the default behavior of the System.IO implementations.
A set of abstractions to help make file system interactions testable.
Package Description
unofficial PCL build
The 'dependencies' section lists the set of .NET Core packages that PowerShell Core depends on in Windows Server 2016 GA release of NanoServer. This package also includes the PowerShell Core runtime assemblies built for the GA release of NanoServer.