Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Globalization

Total dependencies: 512

International Components for Unicode-based features including Thai analyzer support, an international postings highlighter, and BreakIterator support for the vector highlighter for the Lucene.NET full-text search engine library from The Apache Software Foundation. Documentation: https://lucenenet.a...
A .NET library to access files and directories with more than 260 characters length.
MetroLog is a lightweight logging framework designed for portable code and WinJS. Although the API is based on NLog and log4net, the intention is that it's a very basic logging system. This version targets .NET Core, .NET 4.5, Windows 8.1 (Windows Store apps), Windows Phone 8, WinPhone 8.1, W...
Microsoft Azure Key Vault Cryptography Class Library This library has been replaced by the following new Azure SDKs. You can read about the new Azure SDKs at The latest libraries to interact with the Azure KeyVault service are: *
.NET Core P/Invoke wrapper for wkhtmltopdf library that uses Webkit engine to convert HTML pages to PDF. Added custom paper kind for Standard Address Label (1.1in x 3.5in).
Package Description
Common libraries
A KV SQL Server implementation of the Orleans Storage Provider model
A Redis implementation of the Orleans Storage Provider model
A fully managed reader of DBF files. Fast and lightweight with async support.
Kraken is a set of open source libraries for SharePoint development. The package includes code for writing provider hosted apps, including CSOM utilities.
Notakey Xamarin Sdk for Xamarin iOS and Android mobile application development
Contains basic UI functionalities.
Extensions for Neudesic.Elements.Data for Microsoft's Azure platform.
A library for Clinical6 UI Controls Renders (a product of Parallel6)
A library for Clinical6 UI Controls Renders (a product of Parallel6)
Enhancements and utility classes for primitive types and some commonly used types in the mscorlib and System.Core libraries. Extension methods are available for string, DateTime, enum, StringBuilder, SecureString, RegEx, event handlers, random, array, Enumberable, IList, collections, stream and vari...
Well Structured Models for C#
A cross platform wrapper for NetworkManager on iOS and Android