Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Globalization

Total dependencies: 512

Command line application to manipulate AssemblyInfo.cs files
A .Net client for Tarantool written with the Akka.Net I/O package
A small number of minor XML-related improvements to C#, including conversions among System.Xml, System.Xml.XPath, and System.Xml.Linq APIs.
Static analysis for C# solutions. Lets you see classes defined per project and classes referenced per project.
An easy-to-use timeseries database client that allows storing of masses of simple of data structures identified by a string id and a timestamp.
Peng Framework
Google API Core Library ported to DNX Core 5.0
LightMock.vNext is a port of Bernhard Richter's LightMock (Moq-like mocking framework) to .NET Core / CoreCLR / vNext. LightMock.vNext is compatible with xUnit.NET.
Embeds Visual Studio's editor and theming system in standalone projects.
A library for logic programming in .NET
A simplification of the configuration of location in .net core
LooUQ iotQi framework device client for Windows 10 IoT Core - (UWP DLL, Universal Windows Platform)
Chattel is a library for connecting to, and gathering assets from, asset servers for Halcyon-based virtual world grids
A generic HTTP API for calling grains in Microsoft Orleans
Class project for learning C# syntax. Describes topical area "Music": - notes and melody - musicians and composer - musical instruments - musical instrument factories