Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Globalization.Extensions

Total dependencies: 78

.NET SDK for Profit365 API.
Application handlers for DotNetty
ASP.NET 5 HTTP object model. HttpContext and family.
Uma biblioteca .NET Standard (v-1.4) para busca de significados e sinônimos de palavras (somente em português). Buscas com resultados do site
Package Description
Librairie de routines graphiques Développée en C# et Python But : afficher des courbes et des signaux , notamment des FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) et DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform). Mais cette librairie peut etre utilisée pour afficher toutes formes de courbes et signaux. Librairie utilisée, not...
Core implementation for ASP.NET Identity.
A version for .net core Slug: is the part of an URL which identifies a page using human-readable keywords. This extension for string type adds the Slugify method for generating slugs from any language. This extension method is useful for SEO friendly Urls. Usage examples: "Hello World!".Slugify(); /...
Main library for Project
Tool for generating data testing.
Convert between halfwidth and fullwidth Unicode forms.
Microsoft.Owin project compiled for .NET Standard
The 'dependencies' section lists the set of .NET Core packages that PowerShell Core depends on in Windows Server 2016 GA release of NanoServer. This package also includes the PowerShell Core runtime assemblies built for the GA release of NanoServer.
A library for producing and consuming Dnn Manifests.
CQRS + ES made easy