Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Drawing.Common

Total dependencies: 1634

.net常用功能及数据模型,包含: - 压缩/解压缩(CompressHelper) - 注册表操作(RegistryHelper) - 验证码(VerifyCodeHelper) - 汉字转拼音 - 数据模型: Result/ResultPage/PageQuery - 通用用户模型: User.Current.IdString - 编码加解密(DES/AES/RSA/MD5/Base64UrlSafe) - 分布式Id/分布式流水号 - 通用数据类型转换方法Object.To() - 通用dto属性映射转换方法Object.Ma...
The OpenDocx fork of Open-Xml-Power-Tools. Closely based on maintainer EricWhite's vNext fork (as of June 2021), but includes only .NET Standard 2.0 build target for use in cross-platform scenarios. This version also includes a minor but experimental extension that facilitates document composition,...
C# framework for creating SVG images
Olive Framework
Charting library
ActiveReports rendering with GDI+ implementation
Package Description
Package Description
Reportr is a .NET template orientated reporting framework, designed from the ground up as a lightweight solution to solving various reporting problems faced in .NET applications.
a framework for building 2D and 3D games and more inspired by the XNA/Mono framework
a framework for building 2D and 3D games and more inspired by the XNA/Mono framework
Base classes and types for the Inner Drive Extensible Architecture
A simple .NET wrapper for StreamDeck (using OpenMacroBoard.SDK)
Basic set of extensions and helpers for the .NET Core Framework
DNTCommon.Web.Core provides common scenarios' solutions for ASP.NET Core applications.
a framework for building 2D and 3D games and more inspired by the XNA/Mono framework
Kharazmi.AspNetCore.Core is a Lightweight and Extensible Infrastructure for provides common scenarios' solutions for ASP.NET Core applications.
WindowsAPICodePack Shell Extensions
Common Resources for WSCT.GUI.