Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Diagnostics.Tracing

Total dependencies: 150

s simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It popularised in
Upate control to Profile259
You have some useful functions to sent to MobileCenter your message. This component knows the limitation of MobileCenter and helps you to avoid them.
General Helpers for iOS projects
A flexible .NET microservice framework for agile teams.
Fork from sshnet/SSH.NET ( but for .Net Core
Code to allow you to register your stateless/stateful service with a Watchdog so it can callback your service and check it's health.
OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets Xamarin.Mac apps using the Unified API.
Created Nuget package
Created Nuget package
Basic Api Requirements with Owin
ASP.NET MVC 5 shipped with a new Identity system (in the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core package) in order to support both local login and remote logins via OpenID/OAuth, but only ships with an Entity Framework provider (Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework). MyMojo.AspNet.Identity.MongoDb is a ...
An extension for Orleans which intercepts all telemetry calls, calculates and tracks the metrics on each silo, and aggregates all of the silo metrics into a ClusterMetricsGrain. The metrics stored in this grain can be accessed from any grain or Orleans client.
An extension for Orleans which intercepts all telemetry calls, calculates and tracks the metrics on each silo, and aggregates all of the silo metrics into a ClusterMetricsGrain. The metrics stored in this grain can be accessed from any grain or Orleans client by subscribing to individual silo or agg...