Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource

Total dependencies: 384

Package Description
Many classes to make your life easier
This library adds System.Diagnostics support to NServiceBus endpoints. It supports the W3C Trace Context recommendation and Correlation Context draft standards for incoming and outgoing requests. It creates and starts activities for incoming/outgoing requests, and exposes diagnostics events th...
Micro-framework for logging with the .NET TraceSource API
A starter kit to quickly add Serilog/AppInisghts/Operations based diagnostics to a web application.
RabbitMQ event manager for pub/sub
EventBus outbox integration and eventually consistency in microservice architectures.
This package provides a core VisualGuard library, for accessing VisualGuard runtime and VisualGuard entities. Ex. Create user, Authenticate user, Create Role, Create Group, Create permission, Grant/revoke role to a user, Grant/revoke permission to role, etc. Note: Please make sure you a...
This package is required for securing .NET Core applications. Note: Please make sure you are using the same nuget package versions for your applications as of VisualGuard WinConsole. If you have the Visual-Guard WinConsole Runtime version '2024.3.2411.07', you must have all packages wit...
Implementation of a second-level cache based on .net standard, Memory And Redis
Redis wrapper that writes to de DiagnosticSource
Manual instrumentation library for Datadog APM
Elastic APM .NET Agent base package. This package provides core functionality for transmitting of all Elastic APM types and is a dependent package for all other Elastic APM package. Additionally this package contains the public Agent API that allows you to manually capture transactions and spans. Pl...
Utility code to test NHibernate using SqlLite
Contains components for hosting endpoints in ASP.NET Core and Kestrel.
Contains components for hosting endpoints in ASP.NET Core and Kestrel.