Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource

Total dependencies: 384

TruItem data library
TruItemViewModelsdata library
Application Insights Hosting Startup for .NET web applications. Privacy statement:
Render Select input with Brazilian States.
The RESTier EntityFramework Provider contains classes to access data sources exposed with Entity Framework library. This package contains original RESTier Entity Framework Core provider from Microsoft retargeted for .NET Standard 1.1
.Net API for the Spectrum API used by Star Citizen.
.Net API for the Spectrum API used by Star Citizen.
Simple Architecture - DAL layer implementation using Entity Framework Core
The 'dependencies' section lists the set of .NET Core packages that PowerShell Core depends on in Windows Server 2016 GA release of NanoServer. This package also includes the PowerShell Core runtime assemblies built for the GA release of NanoServer.
Provides an input implementation for capturing diagnostics data sourced through System.Diagnostics.ActivitySource.
Package Description
Package Description
Api micro service