Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Data.SQLite (x86/x64)

Total dependencies: 288

Dapper SQLite database functionality for F4ST
Package Description
Gerencia conexão com banco SQLite utilizando Nhibernate
GKZipLib was written for fast parsing of ZIP archives generated by GrayKey in .NET. Publicly available parsing libraries I tried in C# were either too slow at parsing large ZIPs or completely failed when attempting to parse GK zips (or both). Developing this library was a fantastic exercise that rea...
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Log exceptions and get notified when same/similar exceptions keep occurring in your solution. Works hand-in-hand and as a complement to your favorite logger
HgLib数据库帮助。使用.NET Standard 2.0开发。封装了Dapper及其扩展,使用方便快捷。支持SQLServer,PostgreSql,SQLite,MySql四种数据库。需要注意的是SQLite使用时请在项目目录下自行添加X64和X86文件夹及对应的SQLite.Interop.dll。使用方法示例: DBManager dBManager = new DBManager(DBType.MySql, "server=;database=test;user=root;password=123456;"); us...
Database creation script executer for Fizzcode DbTools project