Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Data.SQLite Core (x86/x64)

Total dependencies: 406

Simple SQLite/Dapper powered key store. This is still pre-alpha so be sure to check back for updates.
1.目前只支援Web專案可與elmah結合寫入sqlite的db 2.如果有Nlog.Config時,需手動將extensions區段調整放至targets區段上方,否則會無法使用,待下次版本修正。
Endepro Software Core Library
Data access objects and tools for use with the Bam framework
Encryption tools built on top of BouncyCastle. Store sensitive information in an encrypted Vault that stores encrypted data in SQLite database files.
Connect SQLite Package (x86)
Simple Db Orm Support Mssql,Mysql,SqlLite,PostgreSQL,LocalDb
一个基于 Xiami.Util、Xiami.Ioc、Xunit 的单元测试框架,模拟页面真实运行行为,快速方便的 Mock 数据,框架默认使用 SqlCE 进行模拟测试,当然也可以使用Sqlserver。
add Repository
update code first drop create database if model changes.
T1 common library