Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Data.OracleClient

Total dependencies: 23

Extensions for HttpClient and Custom Repository based on dapper
Lazorm compile / runtime library.
.netCHARGE provides simplified real-time credit card processing drawing on over 19 years of direct experience offering commercial credit card processing for more than 50 payment processors and gateways.
iCom integrates a variety of specific operation classes, such as: Cookie, Items, Cache, Form, DbContext, DbDynamic, DbConn, SqlQuery, FileUtil, FileUpload, Crypto, BarCode, StringUtil, TypeConvert, SortList, DateUtil, RegexUtil, Environal, ReflectUtil, HttpClient, ImageUtil, XmlUtil, ZipPackage, Wo...
Softland Framework. Costa Rica, departamento de tecnología.
Package Description
Package Description
A DotNet Standard extension library is designed to simplify the repetitive, mechanical little work of daily application development.
Instalações dos pacotes para utilização do TrustPrevWeb
Package Description
Package Description
SqlUtility,a DataBase Utility For Oracle,MySQL,SQL Server.
Data reader helper for SqlDataReader
花生DotNetFramework基类库,Base on DotNetFramework4.6.1
Package Description