Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Data.Common

Total dependencies: 708

FluentDb.Sql FTLab Fintech
KdSoft.Data Class Library
PlutoStudio framework 是由 Pluto Studio 基于PlutoStudio所开发的一系列Api及框架。
A simple, fast and flexible data access library based on the Command pattern.
Structure that produces more productivity using Ado.Net in Asp Net Core.
Ready to Xamarin & .NET Core, Basic Library Assy.
CoPilot is an object relational mapper (ORM). In its core it works like a micro ORM, but it has some neat and powerful features added on top of it, which makes it more of a "middle ground" ORM. CoPilot is built with performance and flexibillity in mind, and was specifically designed to avoid any lea...
A slimmed down, cloud optimized version of System.Data.SqlClient that focuses on performance and size over backwards compatibility.
Provides easy construction of database connection, attribute-based table mapping, and creation of primitive SQL.
Provides very simple CRUD operation using Dapper.
Target .NetFramework 4.5.1, .NetStandard 1.5, .NetStandard 1.6 y NetStandard 2.0 (.Net Core 2.0) Intefaces de acceso a datos mediante Entity Framework: -IContext -IDbContext -IBaseU...
In .NET reflection is slow... well, kinda slow. If you need access to the members of an arbitrary type, with the type and member-names known only at runtime - then it is frankly hard (especially for DLR types). This library makes such access easy and fast.
Plenty of extension methods.
SDK foundation and web devlop frame
The package is a part of Saritasa Tools project. Saritasa.Tools.Misc contains miscellaneous items: passwords generation, passwords strength estimate.