Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Console

Total dependencies: 259

An extension for Orleans which intercepts all telemetry calls, calculates and tracks the metrics on each silo, and aggregates all of the silo metrics into a ClusterMetricsGrain. The metrics stored in this grain can be accessed from any grain or Orleans client by subscribing to individual silo or agg...
FileCurator.Windows is a set of formats that are only available using the full version of the .Net framework. If an alternative is built in .Net Standard these will be replaced. So consider this a hold over.
Code to allow you to register your stateless/stateful service with a Watchdog so it can callback your service and check it's health.
Azure Table Storage made easy with a very simple object model including optional secondary and full text indexes. Adds support for more .NET types, lists and easy fluent style querying. Includes easy to use blob storage utilities, user friendly ID generation, local and cloud backup functions. When ...
WebApiRunner is an aspnet core application framework to host simple rest services with minimal plumbing required.
Extends Tracing.NET with System.Console tracing targets.
Console Shared Library
Machete is a parser, object mapper, and query engine for processing sophisticated text
Tungsten.Console provides several string extension methods to send strings to the console.
Command line application to manipulate AssemblyInfo.cs files
This library contains a Guid Generator, a change tracking model, a tracking message model, some extension methods, and a helper class used for progress reporting during async operations.
CoPilot is an object relational mapper (ORM). In its core it works like a micro ORM, but it has some neat and powerful features added on top of it, which makes it more of a "middle ground" ORM. CoPilot is built with performance and flexibillity in mind, and was specifically designed to avoid any lea...
Cavalry is a .NET library designed to make building fan apps for Blizzard's upcoming FPS Overwatch fast, fun, and easy.
Loggly provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
A quick partial port of Jon Skeet's MiscUtil to .NET Core.