Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager

Total dependencies: 1399

The `JobScheduler.Hangfire` package integrates Hangfire for fire & forget job schedules.
The `Blazor` package hosts and activates Blazor specific XAF artifacts (Editors, Services, etc).
A lib which is used of Chinese unstructured text capture.
Foundational classes for financial, engineering, and scientific applications, including complex number classes, general vector and matrix classes, structured sparse matrix classes and factorizations, general sparse matrix classes and factorizations, general matrix decompositions, least squares solut...
Eurostat's Extensions to SdmxSource
A .Net Core library which provides logging, mailing, convertion and base repository classes.
A common abstract API for accessing a SDMX RI Mapping Store
The highest performing, most powerful, most flexible and easiest to use logging framework available. Features: Binary Attachment Logging, Real Time Monitoring with Log4View or Chainsaw, Many Target Types, Flexible Configuration, Log Viewer, Config Editor, and much more.
SqlCommandProvider provides statically typed access to input parameters and result set of T-SQL command in idiomatic F# way.SqlProgrammabilityProvider exposes Stored Procedures, User-Defined Types and User-Defined Functions in F# code.
The NHapiTools are tools that will make using NHapi (the open source .Net HL7 implementation) easier. NHapi has a steep learning curve and not everything works as easy as it should. NHapiTools aims to improve that without tampering with NHapi source code.
Data transfer objects for TouchConvert version one APIs.
Data transfer objects for TouchConvert version two APIs.
IQFeed.CSharpApiClient is fastest and the most well-designed C# DTN IQFeed socket API connector available to the open source community!
General library for the sensenet platform containing interfaces and indexing-related classes.
SDK to communicate with the Ingenico ePayments platform using the Ingenico Connect Server API
Simple mail sender
A collection of helper extensions.
Open source C# implementation of Markdown processor, as featured on Stack Overflow.
DataObjects.Net is the object-relational mapper (ORM) and business logic layer (BLL) framework
B-Arts Framework Net