Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager
Total dependencies: 1399
YeuAI - Text, Voice and Image Processing Library
SqlBatis logging support with Log4Net
A generic repository pattern implementation over the official MongoDB C# Driver. (created for studies purpose)
AppSettings.Unity is an extension to parse AppSettings in app.config( web.config) section into specified DOM.
Not Available
GTTG.Core is core part of library GTTG for train graphs visualization. Includes tools to create and describe generic visual content of train graphs. Provides tools to integrate created content to GUI applications. Utilizes SkiaSharp as 2D graphics API.
This package contains various helpers to code effectively with Microsoft Azure
Implements easy methods for reading sensitive and non-sensitive application settings from configuration files.
port to .netcore of the hotelbeds api hotel-api-sdk
Small Powerful Error Logging
The Gameball .NET SDK provides convenient access to the Gameball V3 API from applications written in the .NET language.
The package can be used to record LoadTestTools results to Application Insights. To use, simply supply your instrumentation key:
<appSettings><add key="Recorder.AppInsights.InstrumentationKey" value="your-instrumentation-key" /></appSettings>
MongoDB appender for log4net
Basic Panama Core SqlQuery Implmentation with Dapper
Fast, simple, convention-based (but configurable) and extensible Micro-Orm.
OnePoint Global Entity Framework for .NET Core
A dotnet framework appSettings.