Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager

Total dependencies: 1399

Package Description
Package Description
Use full for web API’s Excludes the installation of extra packages just installs DapperDBHelper and create object of DapperDBHelper and pass your connection string through contractor DBHelper class. How we can use DapperDBHelper, Find the piece of code below Example ...
Package Description
Official sdk for nem.
Manage multiple brokers accounts from a single application. Implement reliable, legal and robust interface to any supported forex broker.
A client SDK for working with the Saasu API.
Email HTML engine. Create HTML email body from Markdown.
DataVeryLite is a lightweight *Persistence Framework*.
Web scocket middleware; a wrapper over AspNetCore.WebSocket
Best xml comment document parse utility for .NET Core and .NET 4.6+
RIDGID Services REST API Client
Provides platform specific infrastructure: assembly loaders, application runtime services, other. Check the documentation and the samples from and Kephas Framework ("...
Libreria de SDK para conexion a CRM