Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel

Total dependencies: 415

Base class helpers for testing Communist services
Plugin for Xamarin Resx Localization
Just a nice and SimpleColorPicker for your Xamarin Forms project.
MVVM<;BareKnuckleStyle> - IServiceProvider extensions
This library makes it easy that allows you to split Startup or Shutdown steps to many difference packages into your application. It is useful to keep code clean and single-responsibility principle for every package in your solution. Instead of assembly the startup or shutdown codes into ...
AutoSitecore is a customization of AutoFixture for creating NSubstitute Sitecore Items.
Library to help implement integration testing.
Efect is repository pattern implementation on top of Entity Framework.
Obsolete: Packages have been migrated to `Premise.Data, Premise.Web` Premise provides common generic base classes and extensions for .net vnext applications.
WeChatJs SDK Signature
Atlantis.Windows is a library of common WPF classes.
A collection of extension methods to make things a bit easier, including Task, Enum, String, and Uri extensions.
Package Description
LightInject IOC packge for the Caliburn.Micro MVVM framework
Plenty of extension methods.
Architectural patterns for business layer.