Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter

Total dependencies: 324

There is a newer version of this library available here: Migration guide: ADAL no longer receives new feature improvements.
Json.NET functionality for Dapplo.HttpExtensions
Big Book of Data Types is a collection of various data types including Vector3, Set, RingBuffer, PriorityQueue, Fractions, and DateSpan. It also includes a number of extension methods for types found already in .Net.
Package Description
Provides custom 3D controls for UWP and a scene graph based on SharpDX.
Eto.Forms is a cross platform desktop user interface framework. This framework is built so that you can target multiple platforms with one UI codebase. The goal of this framework is to expose a common API that can be used to build functional applications that run across platforms using their nativ...
Automatically generate intelligent and realistic test data for an object.
Eto.Xaml allows you to load xaml UI definitions for the Eto.Forms framework To get more information about how to get started, read the wiki:
Castle NLog integration, flexible and free open-source logging for .NET
ASP.NET Core MVC design time hosting infrastructure for the Razor view engine.
CsQuery is an HTML parser, CSS selector engine and jQuery port for .NET 4 and C#. It implements all CSS2 and CSS3 selectors, all the DOM manipulation methods of jQuery, and some of the utility methods.
Zonkey ORM Library
Provides custom 3D controls for netstandard and netcore based on SharpDX.
Database Layer for
Speckle fork of Json.NET
Common utility libraries.
.NET library to mock HTTP responses for HttpClient and verify request expectations with an experience inspired by Moq.
Hisoka is a framework agnostic tool to execute dynamic paginating, filtering and sorting with IQueryable types
Provides custom 3D controls for netcore WPF based on SharpDX.