Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Composition

Total dependencies: 130

This Windows Compatibility Pack provides access to APIs that were previously available only for .NET Framework. It can be used from both .NET as well as .NET Standard.
This namespace provides classes that constitute the core of the Managed Extensibility Framework, or MEF. Commonly Used Types: System.ComponentModel.Composition.Registration.RegistrationBuilder System.ComponentModel.Composition.Registration.PartBuilder System.ComponentModel.Composition.Registration....
Microsoft® Visual Studio® Editor Platform
The Beckhoff.TwinCAT.Ads package includes everything to develop own .NET applications (e.g. visualization, scientific automation) for communication with TwinCAT devices (e.g. PLC, NC or IO-devices). Root object is the AdsClient to communicate to all variants of local and remote ADS servers and devic...
Opinionated acceptance testing framework.
Lightning fast MEF engine, supporting System.ComponentModel.Composition and System.Composition.
Managed Extensibility Framework integration for Autofac. Enables MEF catalogs to be loaded by the Autofac container.
Superset of MEF attributes. In addition to Export/Import contains attributes to support modern IOC (DryIoc) features
NuGet Package Management functionality for Visual Studio installation flow.
Official C#/.NET wrapper for the Vonage API. To use it you will need a Vonage account. Sign up for free at For full API documentation refer to
通用类库,提供配置、缓存、日志、AOP、IOC、序列化、扩展方法、Emit、加解密、定时任务、本地化、分布式锁、多租户、对象映射等等基础方法。 参考文档:
Selenium strategy for UnderTest.
Meta package containing all Visual Studio SDK Reference Assemblies
Microsoft® Visual Studio® Editor Platform
A utility library in .Net7.0 to easily add dependency injection using the Xpandables.Net library
Extensibility API
Package Description
FAnsiSql is a database management/ETL library that allows you to perform common SQL operations without having to know which Database Management System (DBMS) you are targetting (e.g. Sql Server, My Sql, Oracle).
Core API containing contracts and system-wide base objects
Core components used for building UI components in the administration area